Bob Casey's net worth ranges from $160,020 to $578,000. He is ranked 84th in the Senate and has 14 assets totaling between $160,020 to $578,000. He's had three transactions, totaling $45,003 to $150,000.
Robert Andrews's net worth ranges from $66,005 to $206,000. Andrews is only ranked 346th in the House. He has five assets totaling in the range of $81,005 to $216,000. He's also had one liability totaling $10,000 to $15,000.
I completely agree with the author of this website. I believe it is important to know, or at least be aware of, congressional members' finances. Out of the one percent of millionaires in America, about 40 to 50 percent of them are members of Congress! Because of this, I wonder if they pay higher taxes too, if they are increased? These members generally don't worry about and aren't affected by the economy like other citizens are. From the information given, it seems like the congressmen would be able to get away with things (if any suspicion exists) because their reports are only filed once a year and it doesn't include all aspects of their financial disclosures.