Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Illegal Immigration

Jason P.- How many total illegal immigrants are in the United States? 
Using the latest government and private sources, research, and analysis of data, provides an increasing number and costs of illegal immigrants. Though this continues to change (generally increasing) there are currently about 24,000,000 illegal immigrants in our country. In previous years, ICE has deported over 400,000 immigrants (which is there goal every year).

Rachael D.- Are there any advantages to the economy when hiring illegal immigrants? Or is it all disadvantages?
Some advantages of illegal immigrants are they help and contribute in the work of certain industries. Like all employers, the work these immigrants do help the company maintain their business. These business are mainly in construction, agriculture, hospitality, and tourism. Sure these people may be taking away jobs from the unemployed in our country, however, they most likely wouldn't want these jobs to begin with. Taxpayers may be unaware, but illegal immigrants pay taxes too. Many work illegally, but pay their tax returns and have identification cards assigned to them by the government.

Abby M.-Under what circumstances, if any, can the legal immigrants in our country be deported? 
Legal immigrants can be deported through many wrongful actions. A person may be deported if he/she violates the Immigration and Nationality Act or any U.S. law. If they were a non-immigrant and violated conditions of entering the U.S., he/she may be deported. If a person's conditional permanent residence is terminated, he/she may be deported. If one encourages or helps others in coming into the U.S. illegally, he/she may be deported. One may also be deported for failing to register or falsifying documents while entering the U.S., convicting criminal offenses, engaging in unlawful voting, or participating in any activity which may endanger public safety or risk national security.


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