Wednesday, November 9, 2011

John Boehner, Speaker of the House

  1. Boehner failed to cut a multi-trilliondollar deficit-reduction deal with President Obama.
  2. He threatened defiant Republicans by taking away committee assignments, which lawmakers laughed at.
  3. He believes it's important to discuss spending less money, not more.
  4. Boehner and other Republicans use their power over Congress to cut about $1 trillion from the budget over the next decade.
  5. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was once a rising rival.
  6. No one characterizes House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy as a threat to Boehner
  7. Representative of Arizona, Jeff Flake, believes Boehner attempts to have a more open process and open rules.
  8. Boehner doesn't always seem too successful but is able to come back out from political defeats because of his consistency on the floor.
  1. How much power does Boehner (or the Speaker of the House in general) have over the House?
  2. How might he demonstrate he is able to work towards making laws with Obama and Reid?
  3. What could Boehner do to be more successful in passing laws and bringing more agreements in the House?
  4. How does the Senate and President view Boehner?
  5. Does Boehner have any major accomplishments as Speaker of the House?

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