1. Many people vote without knowing facts about the candidate they're voting for. [-]
2. Candidates don't really know how to win votes from the people. [-]
3. Politics is all about money (politics is not the main focus). [-]
4. Connections are very important. Politicians are parts of "teams" or groups. [o]
5. Especially in our modernizing world, the media is one of the main sources for campaigning and persuading the public. [o]
6. Because of our two-party system, people are forced to categorized into one political party or the other (or independent). [-]
7. The people do not directly vote for who they want as president. [-]
8. The Electoral College does not always accurately reflect the beliefs of the people. [-]
9. The Electoral College maintains a federal system of government and representation. [+]
10. A two-party system promotes division and deadlock. [-]
11. Parties make it easier to run for office by providing a base of support and mobilizing voters. [+]
12. Political parties may promote corruption (ex. awarding insiders of party). [-]
13. National and international powers are divided within three branches of government. [+]
14. The Judicial Branch doesn't have as much power compared to the other branches. [-]
15. The Judicial Branch is purposely isolated so that they can focus on deciding court cases, instead of domestic/foreign issues. [+]
16. There are multiple steps before a bill becomes a law. --may be both [+/-]
17. America follows an "outdated" Constitution. [-]
18. It seems as nothing gets done in Congress. [-]
19. Having a bicameral legislature reduces the misuse of power. [+]
20. Congress decides their own pay. [o]
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